Jordache, Pat - Future Songs

Format: LP
Label: Constellation CST076
Year: 2011
Origin: Montréal, Québec
Genre: pop
Value of Original Title: 
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Quebec, Pop, 2010's


Track Name
Radio Generation
Get It (I Know You're Going To)
Salt On The Fields
Phantom Limb
Gold Bound
Song 4 Arthur
The 2-Step



Future Songs


No Video


Somehow 'Future Songs' is the perfect title for this blown-out set from Canadian noisenik Pat Gregoire. Shrouded in the kind of roomy, wrong-but-right recording you'd expect to hear on a punk tape in 1978 there is absolutely nothing even remotely connected to the future over forty minutes, but at the same time it makes perfect sense. Gregoire is obsessed with jangly guitar pop of all kinds, and this obsession manifests itself in the genre bending jumps from track to track that seem to span pop music from the 1950s to the mid 1980s. It's almost like a more lucid Daniel Johnson playing Joy Division covers in an empty warehouse, and as I'm sure you'll realize there's no way that can be anything else than gripping. Through the grit, shaky vocals and drowned percussion these are small and perfectly formed songs with verses, choruses and real tangible hooks. You'll be humming them for weeks to come - and that's where the 'future' comes into it.

buy the album here: http://cstrecords.com/patjordache/


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