Tereza   rapace front


Tereza - Rapace

Format: CD
Label: private
Year: 1997
Origin: Ste-Thérèse de Lisieux, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: deathcore, metal
Value of Original Title: $25.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: 1990's, Quebec, Metal


Track Name
Zombie Fever
Psycho Drown
Act of Axes
Father Fucker
Ace of Spades (Motörhead)
Last Breath


Tereza   rapace back

Tereza - Rapace BACK

Tereza   rapace inlay

Tereza - Rapace INLAY

Tereza   rapace inside

Tereza - Rapace INSIDE

Tereza   rapace cd

Tereza - Rapace CD

Tereza   rapace front



No Video


Tereza was a death metal band from Québec City, Canada, active between 1996 and 2001. Their 1997 release features nine tracks, including a Motörhead cover ("The Ace of Spades"). The band included members from other notable Quebec metal acts such as Sarkasm, Amenophis, and Memorium. This release blends death metal with elements of groove metal, making it a standout in the Quebec metal scene.

Obviously, Tereza are politically correct, and as other bands do, we appreciated support from Programme "Jeunes Volontaires" (without your help, this recording would have been just a dream), Putrid (Serge, Martin Sylvain and Steve), Michel (Arlequin Bar), Carl Comeau (Eleve'n'Men), Les Productions Cine Scene, Simon-Rico-Axel (Kashmir Bar), Real Labelle and his Dangerous Cowboy, June, Torcan, Vetements Soera, Andy, Hellz Kitchen Show, Le Beau Gilles (Epicerie Du Passant), and Karean Productions, Musique Gamache Inc., Andre Lafond, Beer, Weed, and Sex.

Special Puff:
Vonod (What a show!), Jean-Seb, Dagobert Bar (for allowing Tereza to be the first authentic metal band to play in that famous place), DJ Nerv (Open Mind Man), Jalad and his family, Pierre (Calme-Toi) Curadeau, Clavet, Girard, Lessard, and Thomassin's families, Pascal Fortin, Kingali Morin (Money Makers) and Alain Pouliot (The Boss).

And now in the green corner, The Evoï Gang:
Martin Motörhead Clavet, Martin Tony Denver Samson, Frederick Grand Fred Bouchard, Pascal Death Metal Fortin, Patrick Je Me Souviens Mercier, Dan Contact Lemieux, Frederic Me'n Hains François, Eric Ques Qui A Michaud, Patric Powerpinch Deforey Chantale La Kawich Boucher, Christian Zezo Bergeron, Michel Mononocle Cloutier, Dom Doudoutor Goulet, Isabelle Divan Scionneault, Annie Beau Q Marin, Kathy Couette St-Hilaire, Isabelle Denvette Bedard, Pierre Gros Lortie, Mathieu Kingkong Gravel, Bruno Tattoo Tremblay, Annie ??? St-Pierre, Yanick Douglas Fournier, Fred Cog T St-Pierre, Phil Satan Bertrand, Michel Tiger Marquis, and Fred Kro Carreau.

Un salut particulier à Alain Ruth Lachance & Pascal Kiss Dupin (RIP)

Robert Jr. Girard: vocals
Raynald Clavet: guitar
Dany Thomassin: bass
Patrick Lessard: drums

Guest backing vocals:
Jalad for 'Fatherfucker' and 'Autobiography'
Sylvain Fournier (Putrid) for 'Fatherfucker'
DJ Nerv scratching for 'Fatherfucker'

Written by Tereza; except 'Ace of Spades', written by Motörhead (Clarke, Kilmister, Taylor)
Produced and mixed by Pierre Curadeau and Tereza
Mastered by Andre Dorval
Recorded at Le Saphir, Beauport, Québec, October 1997

Artwork by Martin St-Laurent of Crunch Design
Photography by Melissa Roy and Yvan Rousseau


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