STEAK 72 is a Montreal based group with a disturbingly wide sound which they have modeled after Phil Spector's 'Wall of Music' concept. Their sound was inspired at first by such things as; Trans-Love Energies, Duane Eddy, Fluxus, Television, Don Van Vliet, Bouzouki, Balbulus and collage. They have so far managed to incorporate three electric guitars, trumpet, electric bass, harmonica, tape loops, drums, egg shaker and casiotone in their songs. They have released a demo CD containing what they believe are four of their catchiest pop songs. They hope to sell enough CDs to be able to purchase a melotron, a gong, two sixteen millimeter cameras and projectors and an upright piano. They would also like to spend a whole week in a recording studio in order to capture the wider elements of their sound and a more spontaneous vibe. The members of STEAK 72 have numerous and varied activities during daytime hours, yet the mandate is to get together and mess with the arrangements of their songs in order to keep everything fresh and wide.
Vincent Brouillard: guitar
Simon Fazakerley: guitar, vocals
Marcos Montanchez: vocals, guitar, harmonica
Michael Burns: bass, trumpet, vocals
Paul Lacerte: drums
Written and produced by Steak 72
Engineered by Eric Shenfield
Mixed by Andrew Frank at DNA Studios, Montréal, September 1996
Recorded at Mom & Pop Sounds, Montréal, August 1996
Design and collage by Paul Lacerte
Computer wizardry par Benoit Bourdeau
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