Martin Wall, a native of Hamilton, Ontario is a classically trained and very talented Canadian piano entertainer. He has worked across North America, Europe and in the Caribbean. A big fan of rock music, Martin's repertoire consists of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Queen, U2, Toto, Nirvana, Ragtime or anything else that pays money. Martin has also worked as a recording engineer, a record producer, a song writer, a classical composer and arranger, a church organist and even a choir master. "I make Hip Hop beats. I explore mountains. I experiment heavily with my mind and I trip the light fantastic. Do not be afraid. I come in peace." This album is Martin's first album since his famous 'Metaphysical Facelift" album, which was released privately way back in 1977.
Museum of Canadian Music
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