Ripcordz   kidnoise front


Ripcordz - Kidnoise

Format: LP
Label: En Garde ENG 006
Year: 1992
Origin: Montréal, Québec, 🇨🇦
Genre: punk
Value of Original Title: $75.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Playlist: Punk Room, 1990's, Quebec


Side 1

Track Name
Pizza Girls from Hell
Can't Fool the Kids
Cruisin' the Spaceways
Straight Up
No More

Side 2

Track Name
Do You Believe?
No Choice
Long Dark Train
Open the Pod Bay Doors Hal
Don't Kill Yourself, Kill Your Parents Instead
Two Minutes to Midnight


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Ripcordz - Kidnoise BACK

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Ripcordz - Kidnoise BOOKLET BACK

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Ripcordz - Kidnoise BOOKLET FRONT

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Ripcordz - Kidnoise BOOKLET PAGES 1-2

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Ripcordz - Kidnoise BOOKLET PAGES 5-6

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Ripcordz - Kidnoise LABEL 01

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Ripcordz - Kidnoise LABEL 02

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No Video


Our second full-length album. We'd changed a lot since the surf-punk / sound-of-77 songs on the first album... so much so that some people thought we were a different band. Nope. Different drummer, but same band.

Fun fact: John, the bassist who recorded the next album with us, is actually in the crowd in one of the small pictures on the album cover.

Paul Gott: guitar, vocals
Ian Swinson: bass, vocals
John Isherwood: bass, vocals
François Demers: vocals, drums
Emma Tibaldo: backing vocals

Engineered by Roderick Shearer
Recorded at Basement Studios and Steve Kravac's Studio
Recorded by Kevin Komoda (tracks A1 to A6), and Steve Krevac (tracks B1 to B6)
Remastered by Rob Rapley at Lower East Studios
Released February 15, 1992

Museum of Canadian Music Musée de la Musique Canadienne Calgary Vinyl Music Museum Canada Museum of Recorded Sound Canada Music Museum Calgary Music Museum


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