Quatuor du nouveau jazz libre du qu%c3%a9bec front


Quatuor du Nouveau Jazz Libre du Québec, Le - ST

Format: LP
Label: CBC Radio Canada, London NAS 13515
Year: 1969
Origin: Québec
Genre: jazz
Value of Original Title: $200.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Jazz, Quebec, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
Stalisme Dodecacophonique
Opus 2

Side 2

Track Name
Valse a Grand'Mere
Il n'avait jamais fait si beau si longtemps


Quatuor du nouveau jazz libre du qu%c3%a9bec label 02

Quatuor du Nouveau Jazz Libre du Québec LABEL 02

Quatuor du nouveau jazz libre du qu%c3%a9bec label 01

Quatuor du Nouveau Jazz Libre du Québec LABEL 01

Quatuor du nouveau jazz libre du qu%c3%a9bec back

Quatuor du Nouveau Jazz Libre du Québec BACK

Quatuor du nouveau jazz libre du qu%c3%a9bec front



No Video


This Montreal based band recorded this album of free jazz in 1969 on the London NAS 13515 label. It was co-produced by CBC Radio-Canada. The album features Yves Charbonneau (trumpet); Jean Prefontaine (sax tenor); Maurice C. Richard (bass); Guy Thouin (percussions); Pierre Nadeau (piano). The jacket deisgn was by Robert Pauly. It is a difficult album to track down and sells for about $200. There is an excellent write-up about this album at the Canadian Encyclopedia:


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