1974 pied pumkin string ensemble


Pied Pumkin - The Pied Pumkin String Ensemble

Format: LP
Label: Squash (no number)
Year: 1974
Origin: Vancouver, British Columbia
Genre: folk
Value of Original Title: $15.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No


Side 1

Track Name
Orville Goes to the Country
Kootenay Bark
I Believe
Over the Waterfall, The Wind that Shakes the Barley, Bonaparte's Retreat - Medley

Side 2

Track Name
Long & Lonely
Ming 14
You Can Change the World
People I Love You


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Pied Pumkin - The Pied Pumkin String Ensemble

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Pied Pumkin - The Pied Pumkin String Ensemble

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1974 pied pumkin string ensemble

The Pied Pumkin String Ensemble


No Video


The Pumkin had a “residency” at the Simon Fraser University Pub in 1973-74. When folks kept asking for a recording, we collected $5 and their name and address, and when we had enough money, engineer Si Garber set up a remote recording rig and recorded a live album complete with inebriate ambiance. It is touted by many fans to be the most definitive of a Pumkin Evening.


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