The Nunfucker formed in July of 1985 in Waterloo, Ontario. The first practice was in Bob's garage - Bob on drums, Dave on guitar, Ian on vocals and Todd on guitar. Practice went for a couple of hours. When Todd got bored and left, Ian, Bob and Dave wrote and recorded the "Today is a Good Day" demo (on a tape recorder). At least one song on the demo had lyrics about actually fucking nuns.
Ian's dad was transferred to Calgary the following month and Ian left the band. Derek joined as bassist in the fall of 1985, followed by Rob on vocals. The Nunfuckers played house parties around Waterloo before playing their first show at Chuggy's in Hamilton (now Hogtown) opening for the Resistance from Vancouver.
A few months later, Nunfuckers recorded the "Into the Pit" demo at CKMS in Waterloo. Copies of the demo were made on low-end blank tapes stolen from CKMS while recording. One copy was given to members of Bunchoffuckinggoofs while at the White House (punk home/hangout in Waterloo). Shortly after that, BFG invited the NUNFUCKERS to open for them at Lee's Palace in Toronto. The place was packed and both bands were well received.
The NUNFUCKERS played a lot after that, in and out of Waterloo, with bands like DOG, MSI, SONS OF ISHMAEL, NO MIND and the DOUGHBOYS (including a show with NO MIND in a Chinese restaurant in Kitchener). In 1987, the band returned to CKMS to record the "Dead and on the Floor" EP - 11 songs recorded live-to-stereo in 2 hours for $30. 1,000 copies were pressed at World Records in Bowmanville, Ontario. The EP got a good review in MAXIMUMROCK'N'ROLL #49 and sold out in 5 months by mail order, mostly to Germany.
In the summer of 1987, Brian Taylor from YYY/The Record Pedlar asked the NUNFUCKERS to open for DRI at Ildikos in Toronto. At the show, Rob gave a copy of "Dead and on the Floor" to Kurt, and Kurt gave Rob a DRI pin.
Shortly after that, Dave left the band to herd sheep in New Zealand, and Jeremy joined as rhythm guitarist. Arguably the best NUNFUCKERS performance happened shortly after that in September of 1987, when the band and PROBLEM CHILDREN opened for SNFU at Ildikos in Toronto. They played the never-released song Rock God at that show, written in reference to the time Kurt from DRI gave Rob a pin in exchange for a copy of the "Dead and on the Floor" EP.
The NUNFUCKERS disbanded after playing terribly at the University of Guelph in early 1988 with NO MIND and a band called TWO-FISTED LAW from Waterloo.
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