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MacDonald, Howie - A Taste of Cape Breton

Format: LP
Label: World Record Corp. WRC1-5562
Year: 1987
Origin: Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 🇨🇦
Genre: celtic
Value of Original Title: $35.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  https://howiemacdonald.bandcamp.com/album/a-taste-of-cape-breton


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A Taste of Cape Breton


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Includes Howie MacDonald, John Moris Rankin, Sandy MacDonald & Jim Rankin.

Howie MacDonald is a young and very prolific Cape Breton composer. The Scottish influence in his heritage is evident in this, his second album.
Howie has a flair for playing for dances, as those of us who regularly attend them well know. His music is lively and versatile, a modern-day version of Cape Breton traditional music.

This album in particular combines many of Cape Breton’s favorite tunes. Some of these Howie has composed, others are kindly donated by musical friends, and some are traditional. Each and every combination of tunes on this album has a distinct ‘lift’ which will surely keep your feet stomping.

Something unique in the style of music in this recording is the manner in which it is played by all four musicians. Though Howie is young, his ear for music is well-matured. he uses this talent to slip in surprises here and there, delighting listeners of all ages.

The accompanying musicians on this album are John Morris Rankin and Sandy MacDonald, both of whom appear on Howie’s First album, entitled “Howie MacDonald and His Cape Breton Fiddle” (1985). Jim Rankin, who plays percussion, appears for the first time on record. All musicians are synchronized and each selection is well-delivered. The four men complement each other’s many musical talents in both timing and liveliness. I guess we could say with Howie and Sandy(cousins) and John Morris and Jim (brothers) it should be a ‘relatively’ good album.

So enjoy this recording, which is only the second of many from Howie MacDonald who ensures that this music is only ‘A Taste of Cape Breton’. There’s lots more to come.

Note on the Liner:

“...well, music is like everything else, it gets to you, it gets into you, you know? yeah, I can go there in (front of) three or four hundred people and make them feel happy, y’know? ...But the most time I enjoyed music was when I was at a house party or something and (about) a dozen listeners and then you didn’t mind playing... A dance, you really went there to give the people a good time, and of course meet a lot of people...”

A Taste of Cape Breton - Howie MacDonald 1987
released December 1, 1987

Acoustic Guitar – Sandy MacDonald
Percussion – Jimmy Rankin
Piano, Electric Bass – John Morris Rankin


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