Ray little gang   st front


Little, Ray Gang - ST

Format: LP
Label: Arc A534
Year: 1961
Origin: Henniker, New Hampshire, 🇺🇸 - Calgary, Alberta, 🇨🇦
Genre: rock, folk, country, rockabilly
Value of Original Title: $50.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Alberta, Country & Western, Rockabilly & Early Cdn R&R, Arc Records, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
The Crawdad Song
Darling You're Breaking My Heart
Just Call Me Lonesome
I'll Take a Chance
Rock a Bye Boogie
The Kentuckian Song

Side 2

Track Name
Looking Back to See
Polka Dots
Wait a Little Longer Please Jesus
It's My Lazy Day
Speedy West Special
Goosepimple Waltz
Lonesome Injun


Ray little gang   st back

Ray Little Gang - ST BACK

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Little, Ray Gang - ST

R 6179064 1591043351 4841

Little, Ray Gang - ST

Ray little gang   st front



No Video


Ray Little: banjo
Anne Little: (Ray's wife), guitar and vocals
Jeanie Ward: vocals

Other band members thant may or may not be on this recording:
Jimmy Daughtry (also spelled Dotry): bass, mandolin, fiddle and comedy
Tex Emery: steel guitar
Cowboy Floyd Sillitto: featured vocalist
Doug Goldsmith: accordion
Dusty Rio: bass, guitar, vocals
Big Champ: fiddle


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