Stew clayton asisisted by his trailer riders   the dynamic incomparable %28frontier flp 1%29 front


Clayton, Stew asisisted by His Trailer Riders - The Dynamic Incomparable

Format: LP
Label: Frontier FLP 1
Year: 1966
Origin: Portage-La-Prairie, Manitoba
Genre: country
Value of Original Title: $75.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: Manitoba, Country & Western, 1960's


Side 1

Track Name
My Manitoba Home
Six Feet Of Earth
Can't Forget You Blues
The Red River Flood
Keep A Little Sunshine In Your Heart
Alone With A Broken Heart

Side 2

Track Name
The Canadian Rocket
The Broken Hearted Waltz
The Yodeling Swiss Maiden
Son Of Old Strawberry Roan
Manitoba Blues
Judgement Road


Stew clayton asisisted by his trailer riders   the dynamic incomparable %28frontier flp 1%29 back

Stew Clayton Asisisted by His Trailer Riders - The Dynamic Incomparable (Frontier FLP 1) BACK

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Clayton, Stew asisisted by His Trailer Riders - The Dynamic Incomparable

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Clayton, Stew asisisted by His Trailer Riders - The Dynamic Incomparable

Stew clayton asisisted by his trailer riders   the dynamic incomparable %28frontier flp 1%29 front

The Dynamic Incomparable


No Video


Stew Clayton: rhythm guitar, vocals
Al Clark: lead guitar
Stan Morisseau: fiddle
Stan Morisseau: bass


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