Wayne cinch arthur   alberta gold front


Arthur, Wayne "Cinch" - Alberta Gold

Format: LP
Label: Triple A Records AAA 7651-S
Year: 1976
Origin: Princeton - Kamloops, British Columbia - Sundre - Peace River, Alberta, 🇨🇦
Genre: folk, country
Keyword:  Alberta
Value of Original Title: $100.00
Make Inquiry/purchase: email ryder@robertwilliston.com
Release Type: Albums
Websites:  No
Playlist: 1970's, Singin' Canadian Cowboys And Cowgals, Canadian Places, Alberta, Yellowhead to Jasper, Country & Western


Side 1

Track Name
Alberta Gold
Springtime in Alberta
Alberta Born
Next Year
Let a Little Yodel
This Land

Side 2

Track Name
Life is to be Spent
I've Found the Way
Who is this Man?
Nobody's Guilty Anymore
In the West Country


Wayne cinch arthur   alberta gold back

Wayne Cinch Arthur - Alberta Gold BACK

Wayne cinch arthur   alberta gold front

Alberta Gold


No Video


Wayne F. Arthur: rhythm guitar, vocals
Becky Arthur: vocals
Trevor Haug: lead guitar
Richard Bell: bass, drums
Gary Krueger: keyboards

Written and produced by Wayne F. Arthur
Recorded at Sound West Studios, 204 - 16th Avenue NW, Calgary, Alberta

Cover design by Brian Parlane
B&W photos by Jerry Vander Wal


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