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Kingston, Jack

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Origin: St. Catharines, Ontario - Hamilton, Ontario

Jack Kingston was one of the leading singers and yodelers from up Canada way in the 1950s and was known as "The Canadian Playboy".

Because of his talents as a singer and yodeler, he became the first Canadian act to be signed to Capitol records. Some of those recordings included tunes such as "Two Hearts One Love", "A Love That's True", "Yodeling Cowboy". He had released some of those tunes and more that he wrote in a "Jack Kingston Song Folio No. 1" that was published by the Empire Music Company out of New Westminster. In the USA, his songs were handled by the Hill and Range Songs, Inc. publishers.

We'll read a bit more about this talent who was part of the CHML Mainstreet Jamboree show.



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