The unusuals 987543534

Unusuals (2)

Websites:  No
Origin: Calgary, Alberta

The Unusuals were one of the early bands of the scene. The Unusuals, like Meantime and Buick Mackane were a bridge from the cabaret acts that were prevalent at the time to the new and burgeoning "punk" scene iun Calgary. Yea, they could play covers, but they also had some very cool original songs as well. The Unusuals were the first band to play the Calgarian, opening doors for the whole scene to have a common gathering place. Solid songwriting, as well as being a great live act.
-Calgary Punk Rock History

Ron Matsella: guitar
Danny Patton: bass
Rick Valleau: drums

Rob Hayter: drums
Ian Grant: drums



New wave2

The Unusuals newspaper clipping

The unusuals 987543534

Unusuals (2)
