Pavillon pollack nov 1974


Websites:  No
Origin: Québec City, Québec, 🇨🇦

Released one fabulous progressive hard rock album in 1977 and seemingly disappeared. Different Richard Fortin that produced Liona Boyd.

Andre Devito: guitar
Richard Fortin: bass, vocals
Jacques Marois: drums, vocals

Additional musicians:
Martin Perron: keyboards
Maurice Bouchard: saxophone, flute



Maurice bouchard2

Maurice Bouchard, Québec Watt, août 1975


At 24 I gave my first solo show on piano in café Quebec, Ostradamus, 2 weeks later I joined Ungava & we participated in ChantAoût, where I met for the first time the man who would later become my manager, Réjean Rancourt. Marie Philippe

Main mise no53

Main Mise No53

Chemise cartonn%c3%a9e avec un autre logo d'ungava rouge sur jaune.

Chemise cartonnée avec un autre logo d'Ungava rouge sur jaune.

Caf%c3%a9 campus 1975

Café Campus 1975

Pavillon pollack nov 1974

Pavillon Pollack Nov 1974

Pavillon pollack 1974

Pavillon Pollack 1974

Caf%c3%a9 campus sept 1975

Café Campus sept 1975

Marie philippe  martin perron

Marie Philippe, Martin Perron

Photo par jean beaulieu

Photo par Jean Beaulieu

Marie philippe

Marie Philippe. Photo par Jean Beaulieu

Andr%c3%a9 devito  martin perron

André Devito, Martin Perron; Québec Watt, août 1975

Pavillon pollack nov 1974



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