Torn   frayed   first legg front

Torn & Frayed

Websites:  No
Origin: Winnipeg, Manitoba, 🇨🇦

From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Torn & Frayed – named after the Stones song – were a solid club act who released their own independent three song single in 1980. A debut album, ‘First Legg’, was recorded at Roades Studio after this and they were soon able to license the album to Boot Records and the album was renamed ‘Not Frayed of Nothin’. Tilman soon left the act and was replaced by guitarist Jimmy Green; Green would go on to play in Winnipeg punk at Personality Crisis.

Geoff Shaw: lead guitar, flat top, lead vocals
Barry Gibson: drums, tambourine, vocals
Bruce Tarrant (Herby Harder): lead & rhythm guitars, vocals
"Wasted' Wayne Chartrand: bass, glockenspiel, vocals
John Cartwright: glockenspiel, extra percussion, vocals
"Bad" Billy Graham: keyboards, harp
Zal Saper: guitar
Liza Brazeau: handclaps
Darrel Cartwright: handclaps



Torn   frayed   first legg front

Torn & Frayed


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